Monday, January 08, 2007


Is it too late for a New Years post? Nah, I'm only over a week late. This is a great example of what I should be resolving to change. I was thinking about resolutions for a while but did I blog? No, of course not. Too busy procrastinating until I find myself in an mood apathetic enough to allow myself to publish my imperfect posts. I'm gonna have to put an end to that, or at least start drinking to embrace my imperfections. Sounds like a perfect plan and of course there's the usual eat better, exercise more, moisturize more and knit more than I buy. I won't be doing Wendy's Knit From Your Stash '07. I like buying yarn too much and I'm already planning my trip to MD$W. Am I the only one that was surprised by Rabbitch & Wendy's chilly response to the shop owner who freaked out at the idea of an organized yarn fast? Once you get past the histrionics it isn't hard to understand why she is so upset. Small independent shops have a hard enough time competing against Webs, Knit Picks, eBay and all the other discount retailers. Hearing that someone with over 5,600* subscribers to her blog is suggesting that people stop buying yarn right at what is generally a slow period for most retailers, well if I owned a shop I'd freak out too. Anyone that doubts the power of the yarn blog has to go read this post. Maybe I'm just particularly sympathetic because one of my local yarn shops is closing this month. The owner decided being a lawyer was easier than running a yarn shop. Draw your own conclusions.

*That is just the number of people subscribed through Bloglines.

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